Interest fields:
psycholinguistic, reading acquisition, reading disabilities, functional illiteracy, phonological awareness, morpho-syntactic awareness.
Brief Bio:
During my PhD in LAPSCO (Clermont-Auvergne University, France), I get specialized in the psycholinguistic field. I was more specifically interested in how phonological universals can contribute to reading strategies in skilled-readers and in functionally illiterate adults.
Currently, I am working as a post-doctoral researcher under the supervision of Pr. Régine Kolinsky (UNESCOG) and Pr. Olivier Klein (CESCUP) on a project called “The socio-cognitive impact of literacy”. The aim of this project is to examine if the fact to adhere to irrational beliefs is related to literacy, and if so, to highlight all the mechanisms underlying this relationship. I am more specifically involved in the “literacy” part of the project, and thus, on all its psycholinguistic aspects. To that purpose, I am working with people with a very low level of reading (i.e., functionally illiterate adults but also with adolescents attending vocational courses in the near future), and I am involved in the creation of an adapted longitudinal training aiming at improving their reading comprehension.