Chiara Capparini

Post-Doc. Researcher


I am a Postdoctoral Researcher investigating the development of statistical learning abilities in infants born preterm and at term. In particular, we are using hdEEG and OPM-MEG to study how brain maturation and experience in the visual world influence learning skills over the first postnatal year. My current position is shared between the Faculty of Psychology (ULBabyLab, CRCN) and the Faculty of Medicine (Laboratoire de Neuroanatomie et Neuroimagerie Translationnelles).


I hold a PhD in Psychology from Lancaster University, UK. My main research interests include exploring perceptual and social development, understanding how early attentional mechanisms shape learning, and measuring the developing brain and behaviour in naturalistic situations. I have been trained as a Child therapist and I am also interested in neurodevelopmental disorders.

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