Léa Moncoucy

Ph.D. Studenttel. +33 676 30 29 90


Hello, this is Léa Moncoucy.

I am currently doing my phd under Axel Cleeremans’ supervision, as part of the EXPERIENCE ERC project. My job is to lay the conceptual groundwork necessary to support one of its main claim: Experience has intrinsic value for the agent whose experience it is.

I first did a master of philosophy of science, logic and knowledge in Sorbonne University (Paris), followed by a master in cognitive sciences in Aix-Marseille university. I worked on several topics in the fields of philosophy of mind/biology, and cognitive psychology, including: (un)conscious affective perception, illusions of body mental representation, mental imagery, communication of non-human primates, epistemological issues in psychology/replication crisis, and the limit of the self in endosymbiosis. The research topic I’m mostly interested in is consciousness, what it is for, how to measure it, and its relation with affective perception.
