François Foerster

Post-Doc. Researcher


What influences our perception of time?


Francois R. Foerster is a scientific collaborator in the Consciousness, Cognition and Computation (CO3) group led by Prof. Axel Cleeremans, investigating the perception of duration and its consequences on behaviors.

His main research focus is temporal processing in ecological scenarios. How does our conscious experience of duration vary between tasks and situations? What allows the flexibility of our temporal resolution of vision?


In 2016, Francois started a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action Ph.D program (SECURE project) at the University of Plymouth (UK) with Prof. Jeremy Goslin and Prof. Angelo Cangelosi to study the impact of object knowledge acquisition on visual object processing.

In 2019, he joined the INSERM Unit 1114 (Strasbourg, France) led by Dr. MD Anne Giersch and the Virtual Times project to investigate abnormal temporal processing in patients with schizophrenia and action video game players.

Francois is now a F.R.S.-FNRS grant recipient (2022-2024) to pursue his research work on temporal cognition at the Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Additionally, Francois works as a freelance consultant for pharmaceutical companies.


Personal website:

YouTube Channel: Personal channel

Scopus: Personal profile

OSF: Personal profile

Techniques: Virtual reality, EEG, Eye-tracking, Pupillometry, Kinematics, Signal Detection Theory, Machine learning

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