Wonderful news for Dr. Alison Mary, and the entire CRCN : She just obtained the (permanent) position of Chercheuse Qualifiée FNRS ! Alison already worked at the UR2NF during her PhD, supervised by Philippe Peigneux, and returned to the CRCN after her postdoc in Caen, France, in 2019, where she had worked on a project headed by Pr. Francis Eustache, identifying the structural and functional neurobiological markers promoting resilience in individuals exposed to the 13th November 2015 Paris terrorist attacks. This work was conducted under the supervision of Dr. Pierre Gagnepain. She currently works on cognitive aging, sleep architecture, and functional and structural connectivity in the brain, a line of research she will continue and extend in the coming years.
Congratulations, Alison !
Photo by Ali Kokab on Unsplash