The ULB Neuroscience Institute (UNI) comprises more than 240 scientists including more than 40 Principal Investigators (PIs) grouped into 24 research groups. It offers a dynamic and diverse research environment in all fields of brain research, from molecular and cellular neurobiology, to systems, cognitive, and clinical neurosciences.
Starting from 2013, UNI has been hosting an International PhD Program in Neuroscience in the dynamic city of Brussels, situated at the core of Europe. The chosen candidates for the 2024 program will be provided with extensive support throughout one year, including a fellowship covering both living expenses and tuition. This support aims to empower them to formulate and advance their individual research projects and initiate their experiments. In addition, they will gain access to invaluable technical and writing assistance to enhance their skills for successful grant applications. Since 2013, a significant number (95%) of UNI-selected candidates have successfully secured prestigious PhD fellowships from the Belgian Science funds (FNRS or other entities), funding their four-year journey towards a doctoral degree.
Highly qualified candidates with a deep commitment to basic research are invited to apply. Applicants should hold a MSc degree (or equivalent).

Closing date for 2024 applications is March, 1. The selection process will consist of online interviews in April and lab visits in May for pre-selected candidates. Selection will be completed by the end of June. Accepted candidates may start research projects as early as October 2024.
We look forward to welcoming you at UNI and Brussels!
More info, including the application form can be found here: