Régine Kolinsky is proud to announce that the first CRCN-related MOOC is on air.
Together with her colleague Isabelle Peretz from Université de Montréal, she coordinated a MOOC dedicated to ‘Neurosciences: speech and music‘.
The ULB part of the MOOC is devoted to the neurocognitive aspects of language. CRCN members Régine Kolinsky, Cécile Colin, Jacqueline Leybaert, Paul Deltenre, Nathalie Thomas, and Axelle Calcus all contributed to this engaging dissemination of knowledge.
Videos, written documents, online assessment tools for language and music, scientific articles and online quizzes have been gathered to build and/or strengthen your knowledge of neurocognitive aspects of language and music.

The MOOC has been designed for BA and MA undergraduate students, but everyone is welcome to join.
Classes start October 2 / End of registration December 29
Click here to register. Registration is free and participation is flexible.
Note / Talks are in French.