The CRCN is delighted to announce that Emilie Caspar of the CO3 lab was awarded the Psychology Prize administered by the Royal Academy of Belgium. The prize, created in 1961 and awarded every three years, recognises an outstanding Ph.D. thesis in the domain of scientific psychology. Emilie’s work on sense of agency and sense of responsibility, in particular as explored through an adaptation of the Milgram situation, attracted the attention of the jury (see here for prior coverage of this study and here for media reports).

The award ceremony took place at the Palace of the Academies on May 9th, 2016 @ 17:00 during the public meeting of the “Classes des Lettres, des Sciences Morales et Politiques”. Previous ULB recipients of this award include Arnaud Destrebecqz in 2000 and Christophe Leys in 2011.