Great news to celebrate the end of a difficult year! Five research projects involving no less than six CRCN professors will be funded over the next years!
Axelle Calcus and Julie Bertels received an F.R.S.-FNRS Incentive Grant for Scientific Research, each one for a duration of two years. Axelle will work on the developmental effects of hearing loss on understanding speech in noise, while Julie’s project dedicated to the (statistical) learning abilities of premature babies and those born around their expected due-date. The opening PhD and Postdoctoral positions can be found on EURAXESS: PhD candidate PUBERT-HEAR, Postdoctoral researcher PUBERT-HEAR (Axelle Calcus), Postdoctoral researcher STA(R)T TO LEARN (Julie Bertels).
Adélaïde de Heering received a four-year F.R.S.-FNRS Research Project Grant. In her project, she will assess the impact of early socialization on the refinement of face perception and learning in infants. Please find more information on the opening PhD candidate positions here and on EURAXESS.

Philippe Peigneux will use his Research Credit Grant from the F.R.S.-FNRS to investigate the consolidation of motor learning after cueing during sleep.
Last but by no means least, Gaétane Deliens and Arnaud Destrebecqz are part of the Excellence of Science project “Belgian Language in Autism Cohort”, coordinated by Mikhail Kissine, Gaétane’s co-leader of the ACTE lab. This federal project will have a duration of five years and is funded by the F.R.S.-FNRS and the FWO.
Congratulations to all people involved!
Keep your eyes open for the PhD, postdoc and non-doctoral researcher positions we will update in this announcement. In the meantime, feel free to get in touch with the PIs if you want to discuss those opportunities.