The Cognition, Language and Development Lab at ULB is seeking a highly motivated post-doctoral researcher for a 1 year-project. The research project will aim at examining processes of visual word recognition and more precisely the impact of orthographic regularities in word processing and reading. The research will use a combination of tasks and techniques (e.g., visual word recognition tasks, EEG, learning paradigms). The successful candidate will be involved in the design and implementation of the experiments, data collection in behavioral and EEG experiments, data analysis, and writing up the results for publication in peer-reviewed journals. The study will be supervised by Fabienne Chetail.
Skills/qualifications required:
• Ph.D degree in psychology, cognitive neuroscience, or a related discipline on the starting date. Previous experience in psycholinguistics and visual word recognition will be strongly favored.
• Programming skills are required (R and Matlab/Python).
• Experience with EEG (programming, data collection, data analysis) is a strong benefit but not a must. In any case, the candidate must be highly motivated to learn such skills.
• Basic command of French (for participant testing) is an advantage, but not mandatory.
• Candidates should have not lived or worked in Belgium more than 24 months during the last 3 years.
The starting date is October 1st 2016 (but some arrangement are possible). Salary is according to standard Belgian regulations.

For further information, please contact Fabienne Chetail. More information can be found on her website.
Interested candidates should send a CV and motivation letter to Fabienne Chetail. They also have to ask 2 or 3 referees to send a recommendation letter directly to Fabienne Chetail to support their application.
Selection will start on September 1st and applications will be considered until the position is filled.