You are cordially invited to attend a course seminar proposed with the support of the FNRS Doctoral School in Neurosciences, Wednesday November 26, 2014, 16h00, Salle Hildebrand (3rd floor), ULB Erasme Hospital.
The application of Stereo-EEG to the study of sleep related epilepsies and sleep physiology
Prof Dr Lino NOBILI, Centre of Sleep Medicine, Centre for Epilepsy Surgery “C. Munari”, Niguarda Hospital, Milan, Italy
Summary: Stereo-electroencephalography (SEEG) involves the stereotactic placement of intracerebral multilead electrodes to obtain long-term EEG recording of seizures in a 3-D arrangement. Its main goal is to define the spatial and temporal organization of focal onset seizures thus allowing the anatomical, electrical and clinical characterization of the epileptogenic zone (EZ). As a clinical tool, SEEG is used during the presurgical evaluation of patients with drug-resistant epilepsy when non-invasive tests have failed to adequately localize the EZ. By using S-EEG many clinical and pathophysiological aspects of sleep-related epileptic and non-epileptic paroxysmal behaviours (sometimes coexisting in epileptic patients) have been clarified. On the other hand, SEEG has also been used as a research tool, providing novel human data on the local physiological activity of different cortical and subcortical structures during the different states of the sleep-wake cycle.

Accreditation for PhD students will be provided.
You are also cordially invited to the Connex seminar delivered by Professor Nobili the same day (26/11) à 12h15, Room Bertelson, Bâtiment D, 10th floor, ULB Solbosch campus
Information requests: Prof. Philippe Peigneux,