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memory7 researchers

ADHD4 researchers

sleep8 researchers

MEG6 researchers

/ Neuropsychology and Functional Imaging Research Group

The current research conducted at the Neuropsychology and Functional Neuroimaging Research Group [UR2NF ] is experimental in nature while extending to the clinical and developmental domains. Our research activities mainly but not exclusively focus on investigating the relationships between sleep, learning and memory consolidation processes, and in a wider perspective, the interrelationships between cognitive processes and vigilance states. This includes sleep and biological rhythms in both healthy and pathological conditions as our areas of research cover sleep and circadian disorders, children development and healthy ageing, disorders of consciousness (coma, vegetative state), developmental (e.g. ADHD) and epilepsy syndromes, other neurological disorders and pathological ageing (Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson, Alzheimer disease...). We specifically focus on the processes by which novel representations are created in memory and the mechanisms by which information is consolidated into long-term memory. We are also interested in the understanding and investigation of major neuropsychological syndromes. Given our expertise in functional neuroimaging techniques, UR2NF collaborates with many local and international groups on various research projects. These studies are primarily conducted using behavioural protocols as well as advanced brain imaging techniques, e.g. functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG), transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCs) and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). See also the UR2NF website for more details about the whole team and full access to our publications